Sector Description
“What is a token”: Token and cryptocurrency are often used interchangeably because they are both digital assets on blockchains. The major difference between a cryptocurrency and a token is that cryptocurrencies are the local assets of a blockchain like BTC and ETH, while tokens are built on an existing blockchain using smart contracts.
“What is Charity”: Charity is the supply of money, food or other aids to poor, needy and sick etc. people. In other words: A charity is an organization that operates to help or aid people in need.
“What is Kylon Token”: Kylon: It is a cryptocurrency produced on the Bsc Smart Chain network using Blockchain technology. The most important feature of Kylon Token that distinguishes it from other cryptocurrencies is that some of them are donated voluntarily to deliver to those in need.
“What is the Kylon Foundation”: You, valuable crypto investors, know that; It is not possible for all the needs of people living in underdeveloped and developing countries to be met by the central government and therefore individually. Kylon Foundation: Combining crypto investors and Charity service, producing permanent and conscientious solutions to alleviate the difficulties of people, homeless, especially vulnerable-innocent children who had to leave their country due to financial inadequacies, inability to overcome health problems, natural disasters and wars. It is a charity organization. Because overall, more than 132 million people worldwide need financial support and protection, we know that helping these vulnerable and helpless people is a humanitarian and conscientious duty.
Therefore, we are taking a pioneering step in this regard also in Turkey by implementing an innovative project with our Charity-based platform, which offers donations to you, valuable charitable crypto investors, through the KYLON Foundation. We are excited and proud to have the opportunity to contribute to the relief efforts carried out for those in need, with an internet-based online system. We know in this regard that helping directly as Kylon Tokens rather than Food and physical supplies allows people in need to decide what is the most important to them and their families and gives them a degree of control over their own lives.
Therefore, by purchasing Kylon Tokens, you will both gain and experience the happiness of delivery of funds, accumulated by the Kylon Foundation at a rate of 6.5% to Refugees, Homeless, people affected by Natural Disasters, Children who have difficulty in getting education and environmental activities and those in need in the field of health. While doing this, our cooperation with the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, the Red Cross and Caritas, will give us all more confidence.
As the Kylon Foundation, we provide assistance globally: Refugees, Homeless, Those affected by natural disasters, Education, Environment and Health aid. Let’s take a brief look at the world-wide desperations experienced in these issues.
1- Refugees
Every period, families all over the world are forced to leave their homes. In search of security and a better life, they risk everything to escape from conflict, disaster, poverty or hunger, and often take nothing with them but the clothes they wear. According to the data of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 89.3 million people around the world had to migrate to other countries due to famine and drought caused by pressure/violence and climate change, especially by civil and foreign wars. About 27.1 million of these people are children under the age of 18. People, the majority of them from Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Myanmar (Burma) had to migrate to low- and middle-income countries.
Refugees face further challenges on their desperate journeys, including a lack of access to basic needs such as clean water, food, shelter, personal security and health. Around 80% of people who migrate are in countries affected by acute food insecurity and malnutrition. Governments around the world, from the US to the European Union members, are increasingly closing their borders, implementing inhumane policies designed to deter refugees from seeking asylum. In addition, the governments of some countries that accept refugees, such as Lebanon, Jordan, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Iraq, are also insufficient to fulfill their legal aid obligations to provide security and assistance to vulnerable people in need of protection. Implementing wrong policies exposes helpless people to more violence and persecution in dangerous conditions. As the Kylon Foundation, we believe that it is necessary not to ignore the needs of children, especially education and health, to build the world of tomorrow for the struggle of refugees to survive in difficult conditions. In this sense, online donations from you, valuable crypto investors, will be hope in children’s struggles in life.
With Kylon Token, both gain and experience the peace of mind of helping refugees and their children with aid up to 6.5%. While doing this, do not forget that we are in cooperation with the world’s largest charities, the Red Cross and Caritas.
2.- Homeless
According to UN-Habitat, the United Nations’ program for human settlements and sustainable urban development, an estimated 100 million people worldwide do not have a home and a quarter live in conditions detrimental to their health, safety, and well-being. However, some still sleep in places not normally designated for this purpose, for example, on sidewalks, subway trains, and stations and in vehicles, abandoned buildings, temporary structures, or parks. Vulnerable people are considered particularly vulnerable due to their exposure to various elements and lack of security. The organization says the world needs to build 96,000 new affordable homes every day to accommodate the estimated 3 billion people who need access to adequate housing by the year 2030.
Top 10 Countries with the World’s Highest Homeless Population Rate (2022 Statistics):
1.- Nigeria: Nigeria faces housing displacement as many people live on the streets, in unfinished buildings, and the like. The overnight homeless population in Nigeria is around 24.4 million.
2.- Egypt: According to UNICEF, there are approximately 1 million homeless people in Egypt, which is the 14th most populous country in the world.
3.- Indonesia: In Indonesia, the fourth most populous country of the world and the most populated country with a Muslim majority; 3 million homeless live.
4.- China: The overnight homeless population in China is estimated to be around 258,000 people, these data were collected in 2011.
5.- Haiti: The homeless population is estimated to be around 2,300,000 people per night.
The other 5 countries with the highest rate of the homeless population in the world are India, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Germany, and the United States.
As the “Kylon Foundation”; We are leading a global movement to end street homelessness and we want to create a world that offers safety, security, autonomy, and opportunity to people living on the streets.
By buying Kylon Tokens, you will both gain and experience the conscientious happiness of reaching out to people living on the street with a help of up to 6.5%. While doing this, do not forget that we are in cooperation with the world’s largest charities, the Red Cross and Caritas.
3.- The people affected by natural disasters
“Natural disasters”: Includes all geophysical and meteorological climate events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, droughts, forest fires, storms, hurricanes, and floods.
What still holds true today is that populations in low-income countries are more vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, with a large proportion of them still living in extreme poverty or scoring low on the Human Development Index. For example, the estimated global death toll from storms in 2008 was approximately 141,000, 138,366 of these deaths occurred in Hurricane Margis, which hit Myanmar. Those who need help in such emergency periods include people in need of basic survival needs such as food, water, shelter, protection and emergency medical care and there still be as natural disasters continue.
The tsunami caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 was the world’s deadliest natural disaster. More than 200,000 living things are estimated to have disappeared. Indonesia was the country most affected by the disaster. More than 130,000 people were confirmed dead and 37,000 missing. The other deadliest natural disaster during this period was the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Although the death toll is known to vary between 100,000 and 316,000, half of the country’s population was directly affected by the earthquake. The Haiti earthquake was the world’s deadliest natural disaster between the years 1980 and 2022. Other important natural disasters have been experienced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger and South Sudan. As the Kylon foundation, with your donations of you, our valuable crypto investors, it is our most important mission to create emergency financing that can be used for the forgotten crises and possible disasters that may occur in the future.
Now you too get Kylon Token, gain and also experience the peace of mind of helping people affected by natural disasters with aid up to 6.5%. While doing this, do not forget that we are in cooperation with the world’s largest charities, the Red Cross and Caritas.
4.- Education:
The biggest challenges in education for low-income and developing countries globally: Living in a country at risk of conflict or conflict, Child malnutrition and hunger, Inability to afford education, Lack of school or distance from home to school, in some countries not sending girls to school, people with disabilities, Exclusion of children and inability to integrate them into education, lack of educational materials, lack of a sufficient number of classrooms, lack of teachers or existing teachers are uneducated and lack of funds.
Drinking water is available in 1 out of 7 schools in Chad, one of these countries. Only 1 in 4 have toilets and only a third of existing toilets are for girls. In Malawi, an average of 130 children per class must be educated in the first grade. The problem is not only the lack of classrooms but also the limited basic needs you would expect from a school, such as running water and toilets. In Cameroon, 11 primary school students share each reading book and 13 students share each second-grade math book. In some of the world’s poorest countries, 95% of children with disabilities are out of school. In Pakistan, more than 25 million children are prevented from going to school, some are sent to work or forced into marriage due to financial difficulties. Approximately 75 million children in war and conflict countries currently need urgent educational support. It is estimated that approximately 155 million children under the age of five are underdeveloped due to hunger and malnutrition. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are starting the school year in the Gaza Strip with the financial strain of the UN agency that finances many schools.
Now get Kylon Token, both earn and lend a helping hand to children who can’t get an education by up to 6.5%. Do not forget that we cooperate with the world’s largest charities, the Red Cross and Caritas.
5.- Environment:
Global environmental problems can be listed as air, soil and noise pollution, global warming and ozone layer depletion, sea and coastal pollution, destruction of forests, water pollution, solid waste pollution, erosion and unplanned urbanization.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2014), indoor and outdoor air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths annually. About 90 percent of outdoor pollution deaths occur in densely populated low- and middle-income countries.
According to the WHO Quantitative Risk Assessment report in the process of Climate Change arising from adverse environmental conditions caused by human effects, it is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year between the years 2030 and 2050. It is possible that 40 thousand of these are due to heat exposure in the elderly, 50 thousand due to diarrhea, 60 thousand due to malaria and 100 thousand due to malnutrition in childhood. Therefore, it has been stated that the burden of diseases caused by climate change will have a greater impact on children in underdeveloped and developing countries.
Now, you too get Kylon Token, gain and also enjoy the peace of mind of helping people who are desperate to protect our environment and access clean water with an aid of up to 6.5%.
6.- Health
More negative situations are inevitable when people cannot access a doctor. The inability to diagnose and intervene immediately is one of the problems faced by countries with a limited number of doctors. Some people turn to alternative treatments or relaxation. Another fact is that they are forced to use alternative methods to treat their illness because they do not have the money to stay in the hospital or buy the medicines they need to take. This situation is especially seen in South Asian and Sub-Saharan African countries that have the least number of doctors in the world. For example, in Liberia, there is 1 doctor for every 100,000 people. Other countries with difficulties in healthcare: Malawi, Niger, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia, Chad, Gambia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Togo, Rwanda, Papua New Guinea, Benin, Senegal, East Timor, Cameroon, Mali, Zimbabwe, Congo, Ghana and Guinea. In these countries, about 10 million people die each year from diseases such as malaria, HIV, tuberculosis and diarrhea that can be prevented very cheaply.
We all know that countries with a serious shortage of doctors are the poorest countries in the world. For most of these countries, nearly every treatment and emergency response and medication have to be paid by the patient. No matter how hard NGOs around the world work to provide adequate sanitation, safe drinking water and safe food, it is not enough.
Only $100 is spent per capita on health care for the poorest 2 billion people each year, As a result, there are many opportunities to develop treatments known to prevent or cure these diseases and to obtain medicines. The most important of these opportunities is for people to serve as donors.
Now, you too get Kylon Token, gain and also experience the peace of mind of helping people who cannot receive health services with an aid of up to 6.5%. Do not forget that we cooperate with the world’s largest charities, the Red Cross and Caritas.